Meditating to music is one of the easiest and best meditations possible. Here is how you do it:
Think about what the purpose of this Meditation is for you. Is it to sleep?
reduce anxiety? Simple relaxation? Expand your awareness/consciousness?
Go on YouTube and type in the search bar Music to _____ (relax,sleep,etc)
Spend some time listening to different selections to find one that resonates with you
Close the lights and shut the door
Turn off your phone
Sit or lay down in a relaxed position
Close your eyes
Claim this time as your own. You deserve this. It is ok.
Just Be for a moment
Relax your body
Breathe. Inhale for a count of 4. Hold for a count of 4. Exhale for a count of 4. Hold for a count of 4. Repeat for a minute or two
Begin the music
Really listen
Allow the music to seep into your body, expanding and filling your body
Think and Feel whatever comes up, and then let the Thought or Feeling go. Come back to the Music
Sink into the Music. Feel the Music
Notice what is happening. What is your experience at this very moment?
Listen and be Aware